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A figment of my own imagination.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 4927 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: May 28 2009Views / Reads: 851 / 716 [84%]Story vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Camping alone in the wilderness brings about an unexpected surprise

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A figment of my own imagination.

Frankly, I'm not surprised that none of my friends believed me after I'd returned from my weeklong stay in the mountains. Hell, I'm not sure I believed it myself, but it happened.

At least...I think it did.

Every year I made what was for me a personal pilgrimage to a particular hard to get to place high up in the Uinta Mountains nearby where I live. It's a time for me to get away from it all, alone. Time to gather myself, think, and simply enjoy the peace and quiet of nature as well as the beauty of the surrounding forest and wildlife that is so very much in abundance around the place where I camp. It is a time for reflection and memory of better days, better times.

I had a small easy to put up tent that would provide more than adequate shelter against any unforeseen inclement weather, though the reports had assured me I was to expect warm sunny days without any rain whatsoever. Certainly warm during the day, the nights would still be on the cool side, perfect for sleeping. I'd been looking forward to this one man excursion for weeks, the stress of work and a recently failed relationship weighing heavily on my mind.

The sun had just set on my first nights stay here. I'd gotten a nice ...

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