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Night Schoolthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1319 words)

Author: Ranger031 Picture in profile
Added: May 30 2009Views / Reads: 1144 / 816 [71%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
The Art teacher and her student share an electric encounter

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I had been attending an art class every Thursday night for sometime now, it was a small intimate workshop at the back of my art teachers house. After years of the teacher and other students using this space it had an aroma quite unique mostly due to the paint cleaners dotted around the shelves.

I remember even when the room was full with 4 of us students and the teacher how relaxed this small space could surprisingly be.

Maybe that was due to the fact that we all got on very well and we all found some peace and solace in the 3 hours we spent in this one room every week from our hectic working lives.

Some weeks one of us would buy a cake to share around and on others we would pour a few glasses of wine, none of which probably enhanced our paintings but it definitely helped us become less critical of what we were doing and enjoy whatever we were producing.

One particular Thursday evening stood out for me during my time at those classes, it had been raining heavily for the past few days leading up to the night of the class and I had already received some texts from my art friends telling me that they are staying indoors rather than making it in. I too almost did the same but I was getting to the end of a painting that had become a part of me for the past month and I wanted to finish it and then move on to something different. It was a 15 ...

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