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Naughty Secretsthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 7674 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Jun 16 2009Views / Reads: 3336 / 2764 [83%]Story vote: 9.29 (14 votes)
Zach and Sue's fantasy night turns out to be more and then some

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Naughty Secrets

Note: Authors Warning! This story was written upon request by one of my fans/friends/readers. As such, it contains several scenes of a bisexual nature, which is explicit in detail as requested. So if this is not your preferred cup of tea, please don't read any further, this story is not for you.


If any of our everyday friends, or family knew about this, they'd be shocked to say the least.

My wife Sue and I led a normal everyday life just like most everyone else did. We were the typical average everyday sort of people. Or so you would think upon seeing us, or getting to know us. We certainly weren't prudes, not by a long shot. We didn't attend church every Sunday, nor did Sue dress provocatively when we went out either. Nor did either one of us openly flirt with our friends, or give anyone hint at the very wild, very erotic side of our mutually expressed fantasies and desires. Those things we managed to keep a secret, between ourselves.

No, there was nothing kinky or extra ordinary about Mr. and Mrs. Zachery (Zach) Jones that anyone would ever have a clue or be suspicious about. ...

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