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Friendly Concernthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 547 words)

Author: dangerouslydead
Added: Jul 06 2009Views / Reads: 2260 / 7 [0%]Story vote: 8.00 (11 votes)
Husband and wife talk about a close friend who is cheating on his wife. A Flash Story

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"I talked with Betty today." My wife, Veronica, was listening, as she brought me a glass of Jack.

"Anything interesting?" She asked as she sat down with her G&T.

"She suspects that John is playing around on her." I spoke as I took the first sip and savoured the taste.

"John would never do anything like that. He is much too devoted to play around. I hope you told her that."

"I did, but she insists that there are too many tell tale signs."

"What signs?", she asked.

"If I tell you, you must keep it absolutely secret, and not tell a soul?"

"I will." My wife was not one to gossip around, but I had to be sure.

"She was supposed to get her tubes tied, but last month, he insisted on getting his pipeline fixed instead." I would not have volunteered to do so.

"He was only thinking about her comfort. He is a very considerate guy ...

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