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Into The Woodsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1380 words)

Author: starbelliedboy
Added: Aug 05 2009Views / Reads: 2052 / 1487 [72%]Story vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
Young lovers take a trip to the woods to escape parents.

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"We'll be back by nine mum," Julia shouted as we set off into the woods. It was a warm summer Friday evening, and we were going to have a look at her secret hiding place.

"I'll walk in front," she said, a sparkle in her hazel eyes, "that way you can look at my bum." She giggled. I was quite surprised at that because until then she'd never seemed tarty in anyway, but I did as she said. She was wearing baggy jeans which were quite tight over her beautiful firm butt, her long dark brown hair swinging above it, and a chequered short-sleeved shirt.

We walked and talked for fifteen minutes or so as she lead us further and further into the trees and plants. Eventually we came to a heavily vegetated area, without any visible path through it. Julia crawled under a bush on her belly and I followed. About 7m along we came to a huge wall of vegetation. She forced some branches apart and we squeezed through. Beyond there was a small moss covered clearing. At the far end there was a muddy area and a stream. The whole clearing was speckled with shade. Julia threw herself down on the moss and I lay down beside her.

"Did I shock you then?" she laughed. "I'm not normally like that you know. But I love you, so it seemed natural. Like masturbation." she laughed again as I went wide eyed at this admission. "Yep. I masturbate about four times a week, and I bet you do too. But I wouldn't admit it ...

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