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Guilty Pleasures - Chapter Onethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5009 words) [1/10] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Aug 05 2009Views / Reads: 4190 / 3145 [75%]Part vote: 9.22 (18 votes)
Best friends enjoy sharing common interests

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Guilty Pleasures - Chapter One

It was a beautiful Saturday morning as I stepped outside the door of our home. As I'd been doing now for the past two years, I was off to visit my best friend Susan who lived just a short three blocks away. We usually traded off weeks, me going there, her coming here. It was my turn to walk over and spend the morning with her, sipping coffee and enjoying our weekly gossip sessions with one another. During the time we had come to know one another, our husbands had quickly become best friends as well. Like us, they usually went out golfing together at least every other weekend, which gave us more than enough reason to spend the better part of our mornings together.

And I didn't mind getting up early in order to do that either. It was my favorite time of day. The quaint little neighborhood we lived in was always so peaceful and serene. Most people not quite up yet, still sleeping in with very little traffic on the road, only the occasional jogger running by, people out walking their dogs enjoying the same calm and quiet of the morning that I was.

Susan was already standing in her front door waiting for me, a cup of fresh hot coffee in her hand which she extended towards me even before I'd left the sidewalk walking up their drive towards her.

Aside from one brief curious fling with my college roommate years ago, I ...

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