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Dream Job (Everyman's Fantasy)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:humour/parody, 3145 words)

Author: Exakta66 Picture in profile
Added: Nov 12 2009Views / Reads: 507 / 434 [86%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
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The California Board of Education meeting once again ran late into the night. The stale air became stifling in the August evening, as the air conditioning units had been shut down over an hour ago. Tempers started to flare, as discussions had become as hot as the California sunshine. Arguments were heard and heard again with no end in sight.

"Look," said the chairman flatly, "we have to find a solution and soon. The dropout rate in the Southern California School system is at an all time high. Attendance rates are the worst in decades. Our federal funding is in jeopardy. If we don't fix this problem immediately, all our paychecks will be on the line. Believe me, heads will roll."

His words were ominous. Suddenly you could hear a pin drop.

"We will adjourn and reconvene in the morning," he added in a serious tone, "we are all tired and we are getting nowhere tonight."

The next day's meeting got off relatively smoothly. People seemed refreshed and a bit more spirited than the previous night.

The usual suggestions of tying teachers' pay to student test scores and other accountability issues were once again debated and shot down. Once again the meeting seemed to be going nowhere. The chairman was visibly frustrated.


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