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Mistaken Identitythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 2300 words)

Author: Exakta66 Picture in profile
Added: Nov 15 2009Views / Reads: 1863 / 1549 [83%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
A phone technician gets to live the life of a rich man for a little while, thanks to mistaken identity.

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Back in the day, the early 1980's to be precise, I was badly in need. In need of a job, to be more specific. These were times of prosperity for most. The Dow had recently hit 2000, which was a record. The economy was booming and would continue to do so throughout most of the decade. Everyone and everything seemed to be doing great, except for me. Being the remarkably perceptive dude he was, my friend Rich sensed my need for employment. He had recently started a small company installing and maintaining telephone systems. The timing seemed perfect for his venture. The Bell system monopoly had been broken not long ago, and every new business needed phones.

Rich's hiring me was more than his version of helping the poor. I did have some electronics knowledge. I could easily handle a multimeter, a signal tracer and other assorted electronic test equipment I needed to do the job. Plus, I knew Rich for about a dozen years, having met him in grammar school. He knew me for a dozen years and still talked to me, so that was a good start. The job was also good for me in other ways. I was out on the road all day, which I enjoyed. I liked the freedom of not having a boss over my shoulder and I was never the type of guy who liked to be tied to a desk. Going from place to place allowed me to meet a variety of women as well. Heck, I actually enjoyed it so much I thought I'd probably retire from there.

One Friday afternoon things were really slow. I had a service call in the morning and a brief demonstration of a phone system just after ...

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