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Blue Moonthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 20987 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Jan 09 2010Views / Reads: 2628 / 2011 [77%]Story vote: 9.70 (10 votes)
Jack decides to take a road trip during a Blue Moon, and experiences some very interesting surprises.

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Blue Moon

Ever since I was a young teen-age kid, I had dreamed of going on a long cross-country drive. Kids and their dreams I suppose. And though I'd imagined doing it, even planned it at one stage, time and money had prevented me from ever doing so.

Until now.

Now, here I was, divorced two years, still in my early thirties, and made a fairly decent living with plenty of money. Enough so at least to have finally completed a project I'd been working on for the past two years after my divorce. I had just recently refurbished and remodeled an old Volkswagen Bus. It looked brand new, and ran like a top. Unlike the original versions however, I'd made several sweet modifications to it. Behind the driver and passenger area, the back was outfitted for camping. I'd installed a customized bed for comfortable sleeping, still had enough room for a small pull down table and a miniature refrigerator as well as several other modern conveniences. Now, with two week's vacation coming to me, I was bound and determined to live out my lifelong dream.

The only thing that was a little different was that I had no desire to actually travel across the country. What I did want to do however was take in most if not all of the Western States. From what I'd been ...

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