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The Wild Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5785 words)

Author: MarkDP
Added: Dec 05 2000Views / Reads: 3347 / 2883 [86%]Story vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
My wife, Anna, takes seduction to the extreme at a party we went to at a friends house. Contains light bondage.

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The party was in full swing. Little groups of people clustered throughout the house, talking about everything from sports to the latest gossip at work. There must've been at least a hundred people there. My wife, Anna and I had been there for about an hour. While we'd started out talking with our hosts, Tony and Jessica, over the course of an hour and three or four drinks, we'd managed to get separated - Anna was talking with a bunch of people over in the far corner of the living room and I was with another group near the bar.

I glanced across the room at Anna. After a few moments I noticed the way she was holding her drink made her inner forearm brush against her breast. As I watched, I could see her move her arm. The movement tugged her watchstrap across her nipple and I could see her nipples pressing against the material of her shirt. She caught my eye, raised her eyebrow and did it again, deliberately. It was so subtle, I'm sure I'm the only one who noticed and I'm sure that she knew that, too.

She was wearing a red silk shirt and a short black skirt. The skirt stopped about an inch above her knee, with buttons from the hem to the waist running up one thigh and they didn't start for an inch or two above the hem. When she moved in just a certain way, I could catch a glimpse of the lacy top of her stockings. I knew for certain, from being in the room with her when we were getting dressed for the party, that her bra and panties matched the garter belt that held those stockings up. ...

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