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Army Wifethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 16095 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Jan 15 2010Views / Reads: 7286 / 6474 [89%]Story vote: 9.83 (48 votes)
I thought my life as a stay at home Army wife was pretty good until one day in the garage, I made a discovery that changed my thinking.

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My name is Mary. I grew up as a simple farm girl in Wisconsin, married my sweetheart in high school at the age of seventeen and immediately had a couple kids. My husband Chet joined the Army when jobs were hard to find and now we live on an Army base in military housing. Chet just deployed overseas which left me alone for the next 12-15 months. It's hard being in a strange place with not a lot of friends or family to support you. I pretty much concentrate on raising my 10 year old son and 8 year old daughter.

A couple weeks ago, I went out to clean out the garage so I could put away some of the kids summer stuff. I opened the garage door to get some fresh air into the sweltering hot garage. Chet had installed some 4-high storage racks which really held a lot of boxes and things. As I was trying to consolidate and slide some of these things around, I went to push a box on the top shelf aside and found it too heavy to move. I was a bit curious what was in it, so I got out the ladder and climbed up to see. The box was all taped up with no markings or clue as to what it was. I took a box cutter and slit the packing tape open and unfolded the flaps on the box.

What I found inside took me by surprise! It was stuffed full of X-rated magazines! Now I expected this of other men, but my husband had always been vocal against pornography and it was the last thing I expected to find. Rather than look at them up on the ladder, I lugged the box down and set it on the garage floor. I soon found out that these weren't ...

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