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My Life As A Financial Advisor - chpt 01 - How It all Beganthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4034 words) [1/7] show all parts

Author: RobOnt
Added: Dec 08 2000Views / Reads: 5246 / 4772 [91%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Peter is a financial advisor. He spends his days discusing personal matters with his clients. Sometimes, it gets very personal!

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My Life As A Financial Advisor - pt. 1: What Started It All

I have the best job in the world. Seriously. I work as a Financial Advisor. I know what you're thinking, "A Financial Advisor? You call that the best job in the world?!?" Yes, I do. And by the end of these stories, I think you'll be wanting to sign up. Think about it, I spend my days going into the homes of couples and singles. That beautiful blonde you saw at the bar? You know, the one you wished you had the nerve to get a phone number from? Well, I not only get her phone number, but her address and all her personal information as well. I sit in her living room and talk about very personal matters. And every once in a while, I get a lot more ... and I've decided it's time to share those stories with others. After all, it's just to much fun to keep to myself.

But first, I need to share the story that started it all.

The first ten years of my marriage to Crystal were very faithful ones. Even though I had a couple of opportunities to go to bed with other women, I resisted the temptation for the sake of my wife. After all, I had made a commitment to her. That all changed two years ago.

I had been working as an advisor for about a year. It was time for my next level of training, and my company sent me to our training center for a week long course. It wasn't the first time I had to go away for a ...

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