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April Fool'sthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1585 words)

Author: rhapsody181 Picture in profile
Added: Apr 13 2010Views / Reads: 3857 / 3424 [89%]Story vote: 9.10 (20 votes)
Taking office pranks a bit too far leads to fantastic sex.

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"Look, that shit's not funny," I said, scraping the toothpaste off my keyboard.

"Lighten up, Shan, April Fools," Matt said from beneath a pair of plastic glasses and fake nose.

"Aren't you a little old for this?"

"You're never too old for this, Shan. Once you stop laughing you might as well die," he remarked and left.

It was one of those days. Apparently this office was known for its junior high school pranks and since I was the new temp, I got the brunt of it. Somebody brought me chocolates, but they were actually chocolate-covered cotton balls. That weird feeling lasted on my teeth for hours. I could not imagine what they had planned after the toothpaste incident.

"Good morning, Shan. Here are the files you asked for," Pam said placing a stack of folders on my desk. "I'm not sure if the one on top is the correct file."

"Eeeeek," I screamed as a spider crawled out of the folder.

"April Fools!" Pam shouted as others around us giggled. ...

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