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President and CEOthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1720 words) [5/6] show all parts

Author: SuzieSurfin
Added: Dec 09 2000Views / Reads: 2368 / 2070 [87%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
She learns a lot more about his life and the things he enjoys. (Feedback and suggestions are appreciated!)

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We arrived at the headquarters of his overseas office, traveling straight to the President's office from the airport. He brought me with him to the office and introduced me to all of his top employees as "his new assistant." His office here, was nearly as elaborate as the one he had in the States.

Once we were alone in the office the President informed me of his schedule for the rest of the day. "Just so you know," he said as he put together his papers for his meeting. "I will not be back to our hotel room until late night or early morning. I would not want you to ... be waiting for me," he smiled.

"I appreciate you telling me that," I said, resenting a little he seemed to find it funny to be sharing information with me.

"The driver will take you to the hotel whenever you are ready, everything should be ready for us to check in," he kissed my cheek and was off to his meeting.

I looked around the room a bit then decided I would go out for lunch. Taking my handbag I headed for the door when the phone rang, so I placed my bag back on the desk. I peeked around the door to see the secretary had gone to lunch so I answered the phone.

I very un-formally answered, "Hello." ...

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