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Mature and Young: Mixing can be Fun this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 21642 words)

Author: Medellin Picture in profile
Added: Jun 30 2010Views / Reads: 1540 / 1273 [83%]Story vote: 9.71 (7 votes)
Young Becky and Hannah want to experience sex with mature men. Mature Petra is interested in younger men. The action keeps switching around and the result is that mixing can be fun

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Mature and Young: Mixing can be Fun

For Hannah and Becky, you know who you are and I hope you enjoy your story. Thank you for the inspiration and desire.

Hannah and Becky leant against the outside wall close to the door of the Leisure Centre where they both worked. Their jobs were in the lounge area serving drinks and food. Both were just 20 and had worked there together for a couple of years and had become good friends. They were both petite, dark haired, slim and of course well toned as they both worked out at the centre as part of the employment package.

Hannah was always the one who attracted attention with her big dark eyes, well cut hair and trim body, she looked the more confident, especially as he leant against the wall, one leg bent up against it blowing smoke into the air from the cigarette as she inhaled through her soft red lips. Hannah never had problems getting the attention of the men, especially those that worked at the centre. There were enough fit guys working there and she had certainly sampled a few of their cocks already. All of them young bucks who could cum fountains and go hard again quickly, but they never lasted more than 5 minutes. But why worry, that was the way she liked it hard, fast and no commitment. Hard cocks were just one of many things to be enjoyed in life.

Becky on the other hand was shy, less confident and did not dress to ...

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