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My Life As A Financial Advisor - chpt 5 - The Trip, Day Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4396 words) [5/7] show all parts

Author: RobOnt
Added: Dec 12 2000Views / Reads: 3418 / 3168 [93%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Peter is so proud of how the video camera he secretly set up to watch his wife fuck his manager. However, maybe it would have been better not to know what was going on in his bed.

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My Life As A Financial Advisor – chpt 05: The Trip, Day Two

Rhonda and I awoke the next morning to the sound of the phone ringing with our wake up call. I looked over at the clock through squinted eyes and saw that it was 6:30 A.M. I dropped my head back down on the pillow and took a deep breath. It seemed like we had just fallen asleep, which was how it should have felt, since we had finally stopped fucking around 4:30 that morning.

I couldn’t believe the energy Rhonda had for sex. This girl had definitely been deprived by her religious husband. I thought of somehow dropping him a note explaining to him what he was missing, but figured his loss was my gain. After all, the only reason this beautiful redhead spent the night riding my cock was because of his actions. I smiled as I thought to myself, maybe I should send him a thank you card.

I looked over at the naked woman laying beside me. Her red hair fell in curly locks down over her face. It was long, reaching halfway down her back. She was in great shape, probably weighing somewhere around one hundred and twenty pounds. It was clear that she worked out a few times a week. She was beautiful and I was a very lucky man.

I pushed her hair away from her face and kissed her cheek, causing her to stir. I kissed her again, moving my lips gently across her face and over her neck and slowly down her back. She sighed and wiggled slightly ...

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