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Confessions of a Barman....Chapter 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1377 words)

Author: Random Bobsled
Added: Jul 21 2010Views / Reads: 1773 / 1385 [78%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
My first night working in a bar leaves me desperate for more

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I've been a barman on and off for sixteen years now in a number of different bars and clubs in the south of England and Wales. I've been witness to and part of a whole host of sexual encounters and these chapters will hopefully let you into the fun that can be had in the industry.

Just after turning 18 in 1993, I got my first bar job. It came around pretty much by accident after a bit of a drunken night out. A couple of my friends ran a rock club in my home town and had been complaining about constantly being short staffed and having to work all the hours under the sun (or the moon in this case) and were desperate for someone reliable and trustworthy. Somehow, in my drunken state, I had offered them my services.

Anyway, my first night came around quickly and I turned up at the club and was quickly shown the ropes. Thankfully it wasn't a particularly busy night which afforded me some time to learn by my mistakes and, more importantly, take a look around at the women.

One in particular was spending quite a bit of time at the bar, letting her friends head off to the dance floor, leaving her to make small talk with me. Her name was Jill, she was 18 and lived nearby. I'd established that she was soon to be heading off to begin studying to be a teacher in one of London's Universities. As she'd been standing at the bar for most of the night I'd only been able to view the upper half ...

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