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Dominos- All money ain't good moneythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 6076 words) [2/5] show all parts

Author: Bishop
Added: May 20 2000Views / Reads: 3251 / 3002 [92%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
He starts celebrating his wedding anniversary at a club with his wife but ends up home alone

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Justin sits in his recliner listening to some Joe Sample on the stereo and recalls the events during the night of their anniversary and the pain and devastation that followed.

The club is packed the music rockin and the dance floor full. Justin and Samantha turn heads from the moment they walk in. Because their party is so large there is a whole area sectioned off for them. Immediately there is laughing, dancing and drinking going on to numerous toasts. Justin chooses this time to give Samantha the necklace and ankle bracelet. Samantha is elated and immediately puts them on and walks around showing them to their friends. Justin holds back the tennis bracelet for later in the night. Samantha has soon drunk enough to be just on the verge of being tipsy. It shows in the way she carries herself. Even though she always returns to Justin she's just a little more animated, a little more vocal, a little more out there on display. Justin has a couple of drinks then switches to Coke. Justin takes Sam out on the dance floor. Now Samantha really begins to cut up. Justin is a good dancer but Samantha is the type that can take it one step beyond and often does. Samantha literally throws herself at Justin on the dance floor. Justin plays along which turns it into a big production number. Their friends literally fall out laughing as Justin plays at trying to get away only to have Samantha catch him time and time again. Each time she catches ...

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