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The Tapethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 1196 words)

Author: DarkTiger666
Added: Dec 13 2000Views / Reads: 3356 / 2396 [71%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
The divorce is final... Now he'll get to see what he missed out on.

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The Tape

The package arrived in his mail the day after his divorce was final. A short note written on the tape advised him to enjoy the video enclosed. With his interest piqued, he turned the tv and vcr on, put the tape in, and sat back. The auto-run feature activated, and his ex-wife's face came into view.

"Well George, this may come as a surprise to you, but you were never a good lover. You were selfish, and never concerned with my pleasure. The divorce is final, and I wanted to send you this tape so that you can see the type of lover that I really am, and what you missed out on."

"You may recognize a few others in this tape. They are our old neighbors, Ted and Janet. They were a lot of help getting through those first few weeks after you left. They were very supportive, and helped open my eyes to a whole new level of ecstasy. One you never even came close to matching. Ted has a rather impressive studio set-up in his basement, and with his assistance, I'll be narrating the show for you. Enjoy"

George's eyes bulged from his head as his ex-wife's face popped up on the screen. It was an extremely close-up shot of her working a rather large cock in and out of her mouth.


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