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Train Ride to Ecstacy this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 6736 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Medellin Picture in profile
Added: Aug 06 2010Views / Reads: 2008 / 1736 [86%]Part vote: 9.27 (11 votes)
Tom likes the look of the attendant on the ICE train, but has to wait until later to enjoy her public sex fantasies,

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Train Ride to Ecstasy

Tom leant forward and took another large slug from his beer, then he hit the recline button on his first class seat on the ICE train as it sped across Germany to his last hotel for the week. He closed his eyes and relaxed. It had been a good week, better for his business than he had anticipated. One more night alone in a hotel, just one more meeting tomorrow morning and then the plane back home. It was a pity that his client could not meet him for dinner that evening, but at least that meant he was free to do what he wanted tonight. Probably a great relief.

As the train continued on its smooth high speed way across Germany, Tom considered the options. He had been out to dinner each night this week with customers, no time to relax, no time to enjoy the German girls he so liked, always so keen to practice their excellent English. He was always pushing hard to screw one. He knew if he brought her enough drinks he would get what he wanted and usually she needed.

Tonight, he thought maybe he could have a meal in the hotel and then trawl the bars looking for one of those German girls who wanted to practice her English and then screw like a bitch on heat. He would give her some good hard inches of his English cock which he had controlled so well this week. His balls full of spunk ready to shoot up any hot German pussy. The other option was he could eat and then stay in the ...

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