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Halloween Surprisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 4295 words)

Author: Exakta66 Picture in profile
Added: Sep 26 2010Views / Reads: 2353 / 1722 [73%]Story vote: 8.71 (7 votes)
A man goes to a Halloween party and meets a young woman dressed as a dominatrix...only to find out that her outfit is more than just a Halloween costume...

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Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for kids. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot looking moms. Not that I would ever even consider using a kid's costume as a conversation starter just to make way with their moms. There is also the issue of Halloween candy. Strictly for kids. So what I buy about three times more candy than I can possibly give out, even if all the surrounding towns were to bus their children into my neighborhood. Of course I always buy candy I like, not really expecting to have to eat most of it myself. It just happens that way. Really, Halloween is for kids. Period.

I have to say that I firmly believed all of the above just a few short years back as summer ended and September led into October. At the time, if you recall, I was recently divorced and living in the city. I was doing fairly well in a managerial position at a small company my boss John had founded. It probably didn't hurt that I was seeing his wife on the side while he was working long hours at the office. It also didn't hurt that I was going out with a hot looking 23-year-old named Joyce. So really, I pretty much had it made.

Everything seemed to be going my way until one day at the office someone mentioned those two words I truly dread every fall. Halloween party. My ...

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