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My New Camerathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5828 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Oct 07 2010Views / Reads: 9263 / 7785 [84%]Story vote: 9.70 (64 votes)
I got a new digital camera and it gets a work out as i start snapping pictures of my girlfriend having phone sex with her boyfriend. That starts out an avalanche of sex that changes my life!

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My new Camera

I got a new digital camera for graduation and sort of went wild with it as I started learning all the cool features and abilities. I really like not having to buy film and pay for developing, but instead, downloading hundreds of pictures on my laptop and do with them what ever and whenever I want.

Shortly after school was out, my friend Cassie was without a place to stay because her mom and dad bought a small condo in Florida and Cassie wasn't going to be moving off to college for another five weeks. I got permission from my folks for Cassie to spend the summer at our house and the deal was sealed.

Cassi and I did everything together and she quickly became the subject of many of my photos. She's a lot prettier than I am and has a very shapely body. I guess that's why she always had boyfriends all the way through high school. She had a boyfriend now too, his name was Paul. Paul was a couple years older than Cassie and had joined the Army, but the two of them were always on the phone or messaging over the computer.

About two weeks after Cassie moved in, my parents booked an Alaska cruise out of Seattle and left me to house-sit for the ten days they'd be gone. When Cassie heard this, she was already conniving about ...

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