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Making extra money this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2157 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: StefunE
Added: Oct 29 2010Views / Reads: 1260 / 1072 [85%]Part vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
A girl down on her luck, discovers a new way to make a little much needed cash. This is a continuation of the original that leads to so much more.

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This is chapter 2 of this story. If you would like this part to make sense, you may want to read the previous chapter. ************************************************************************

Here is a little background though: Here I am, jus t turned 18 a few months ago, and Mom's boyfriend, Gene, kicks me out of my house. The house my Mom (Violet) and I lived in when my Dad pass aw ay a couple years ago. My name is Abigail Brown. I have tanned skin, b lond hair and stand 5'-4" tall and weigh 119 pounds. I am a senior in h igh school. I haven't been any trouble; I get straight A's in my classe s; I'm in sports all year long, swimming in the fall, basketball in the winter and track and field in the spring. I even have a scholarship rea dy and waiting for me in the fall. When my dad passed away he had an in surance policy to take care of me and my mom, including my college tuiti on. I've been lucky enough to have a couple of friends I can stay with a day or two at a time; at least until we graduate from high school. ************************************************************************

Chapter 2


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