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A Holiday Talethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 1986 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: MjBarbag
Added: Dec 02 2010Views / Reads: 886 / 678 [77%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Helen falls victim to the stress of the holiday. But Gil has a way to save her.

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A Holiday Tale [part 1 of 3] By: MjBarbag (mjbarbag@yahoo.com)

"Whose idea was it to fill this wonderful season full of crap?" Helen wondered as she arrived home from her meeting with the PTO. It had been an extremely a long meeting, covering the many events coming up in the next few months and she was very tired. She was tired from the last two weeks "holiday" activities, putting in many hours preparing for the school's "Holiday" program, organizing parties for her daughter's Girl Scout Troop, her son's Cub Scout pack, as well as a party for her daughter's fourth grade class. She was pooped!

She also was feeling very guilty. It was five days until Christmas and she had pretty much ignored her family (especially her husband who was very helpful, copying, babysitting, hauling bails of hay, etc.). Not one gift was purchased nor one card mailed. Add to that, the house was a mess, her mother was asking for information about the kids, and to the weather sucked (cold rain, mixed with sleet, and snow).

She closed the door, hung up her keys, and took off her coat, flinging it onto the hallway chair. As she started up the stairs, something caught her attention. We actually nothing caught her attention. Something was not right. The house was quiet. It was only 7:00 and there was no noise, no kids, and no husband. Helen looked out the front and noticed Gil's car was missing. She was just wondering where they could be when she noticed the note on the hall table. ...

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