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The Sitterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2334 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: elrod18
Added: Dec 18 2000Views / Reads: 11115 / 8661 [78%]Part vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
How my sitter became my lover

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The Sitter

When I was 26 my wife died in child birth. She left me with a beautiful baby girl. And no idea how to care for it. Luck was with me, my mom and dad and my in-laws cared for her almost all of the time. The work I do requires me to travel alot. I'm usually gone 4 out of 5 days a week and am dog tired when I get home. So The babies grand parents took care of her until she was 8. Thats when I realized that (1) I was missing out on my child and (2) they were too old to be raising a small child.

I decide to try my best at raising my child, but I still had to deal with the trips. Thats when my neighbors across the street came into the picture. Amy was in her early 40's, divorced and living with her 16 year old daughter. They had visited several times in the past when I had Rebecca. Traci, Amy's daughter, had mentioned baby-sitting for me. So I discussed it with Amy about Traci taking care of Rebecca the next time I had to go out of town. I explained that I would pay her and let her use my car so she could get around with no problems. And the fact that Amy was right across the street helped. She agreed. So this is how it started, Traci baby-sitting for me while I was away and me caring for and watching my child grow. Everything was working out.

Now Amy didn't make alot of money and her ex paying child support almost never, caused problems for Traci. She was bright, intelligent, and ...

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