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Naked by Lady Greythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 4779 words)

Author: LadyGrey Picture in profile
Added: Dec 21 2010Views / Reads: 2824 / 2329 [82%]Story vote: 9.67 (30 votes)
Laura discovers her husband fantasizes about other guys seeing her naked. She loves the guy and would do anything to please him.

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Laura discovers her husband fantasizes about other guys seeing her naked. She loves the guy and would do anything to please him.

Naked by Lady Grey

I don't know how long Gill, my hubby, had had this thing about me displaying myself naked when other people were around, but on that first night it actually happened, I couldn't believe his response. After the event, we had the greatest sex ever. Now I really like good sex, and I thought I was getting it, but this was way out the best sex I had ever experienced. It had started at Sylvia's Christmas party. There were a dozen of us there that night celebrating Charlie's big win on the Lotto. They had really gone to town sparing no expense. The Champers flowed like water and the food was provided by Carlotta's, one of the best restaurants in town.

By midnight everyone was well on the way to being legless. The guys had their jackets and ties off, and everyone was in a party mood. I can't remember who suggested strip poker; I don't even remember it starting out as strip poker, just a game of cards, but that's how it ended.

I think there were eight of us sitting around the table playing and the others stood watching. I remember feeling a little apprehensive as the game started, but everyone was in a party mood, and I reckoned I was a bit of a poker expert having played it on line quite a bit. Things ...

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