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Tory is backthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1858 words)

Author: Nat
Added: Jan 06 2011Views / Reads: 1435 / 1274 [89%]Story vote: 9.11 (9 votes)
Josh awakes to a phone call from his ex-girlfriend Tory. He finds out she is willing to do for him what she refused to before. . . . I haven't published anything here in a while, but I want to start writing again. Feedback is certainly welcomed. I w

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He awoke to a phone call at 2:30 am. 224-555-1589. It was a number he vaguely remembered. He picked up.


"Josh, I'm outside."

"Who is this?"

"It's Tory. Let me in please."

He hadn't seen Tory in over half a year, but he threw on some jeans and a t-shirt and ran downstairs to let her into his apartment building. When he got outside he realized it was raining, and Tory was completely soaked with mascara running down her cheeks. Her bright red hair was plastered against her forehead.

"It's over, Josh. It's over," she cried as she ran into his arms. He lightly embraced her. It was awkward to hold her again after so long.

"What's over? What happened?"

"Me and Ron. We got in a huge fight, and it's over."

"Come in. It's cold and your soaked. We'll talk about it." ...

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