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teasethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3127 words)

Author: xpurrteez Picture in profile
Added: Jan 07 2011Views / Reads: 4789 / 3155 [66%]Story vote: 9.73 (11 votes)
A young woman seduces an older accountant. This is a story about a young nymph who feeds on the deep desires of men and leads them to enjoy divine intimacy with her by postponing his orgasm and intensifying her own until the tease becomes explosive and al

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He felt the silken touch of her thighs warm and inviting. He slid his hand beneath the hem of her pretty skirt that fell away from her body as he tentatively caressed her thigh in his journey upward. A sexy sigh escaped her lips that were pressed against his. He found the silken panties greet his touch with dampness and a small moan escaped her mouth and her kisses became more excited and passionate.

He could barely believe that he at 46 could be alone with this petite goddess of a woman who was perhaps more than 20 years his junior. His busy working life had destroyed his marriage and reduced his confidence with women. She had excited him from the first moment she entered his office. Her body was shapely and petite with curves that drew attention to every detail of her pert rounded ass and small perfectly rounded breasts. Legs accentuated by the stilettos that added height to her 5' 6" form were smooth and shapely. The small accounting office that James ran as a director of the company had a few large clients and Saint-Seine Honeyton Enterprises was the largest and growing. Felicity Saint-Seine was a member of the matrilineal family fashion business that specialized in lingerie. She carried herself like a model, which she no doubt was. James recalled seeing her in promotional materials and lusting after her even then.

Felicity brushed back the long smooth strand of platinum blond hair and ...

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