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It was about time...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2853 words)

Author: whensday
Added: Jan 22 2011Views / Reads: 531 / 356 [67%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
A getaway weekend to the coast... in this romantic tale of a couple exploring, the trip and each other.

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It was about time... She had been teasing him and taunting him all day.

They started the day with his surprise for her as he showed up on the bike, told her of the plans to enjoy a nice ride over to the coast, and check out that B&B they had heard about. The fact that they had reservations was a big surprise. She hurriedly threw together a bag, told the girls to behave and jumped on the bike for the adventure. It helped that she knew the youngest was with her father, and he shared that he had texted the oldest asking for her help in caring for her sister... just a little conspiracy that they had built.

He did not expect to be attacked while he was navigating through the turns to reach the coast. But, she could not help it. He had removed the backrest before they started so that they could be closer... she felt that he just wanted to feel her rubbing against his back. He was comforted feeling her there, leaning with him through the turns, enjoying the road as much as the company. His common practice of caressing a leg and thigh as he rested a hand on the knee... was a tease too...

Her hands started roaming freely as he urged the heavy machine around turn after turn. It felt liberating to have the wind in her face, and the land sweeping by. It was not cold, and she succeeded in lowering the zipper on his jacket. Her hands searched inside to tickle, and squeeze his chest. The caress said much in its caution, and yet firm ...

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