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Author: Wheels
Added: Feb 11 2011Views / Reads: 1304 / 957 [73%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
A former athlete, a model and a young man with his unique ability meet aboard a ship.

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The ship left at about 9 in the night. The night was chilly. I pulled my woollen sweater closer to my body. From the deck I could see the lights of the port disappear into the night. With a sigh I returned my attention to my fellow travellers, with whom I had to spend another month.

I noticed many of them stealing glances at me. Those who were single were more openly staring at me. I must admit that it is -aged lady like me to capture the attention of so many males. But then I am used to it.

Sitting in the chair I surveyed the deck. There was a couple seated on the right, about ten feet from me and the man had been ogling me. Now when I looked in his direction he stole his eyes away, avoiding my gaze. I looked the other way and barring about two people most of the males were pretending they hadn't seen me. Again, I was used to this behaviour.

I noticed two individuals still watching me, though they weren't ogling. One of them was a young man, maybe around 20. From what I could see at the distance he was well built, and had a boyish face. The other person was a young woman, sitting further back from the boy. I could not make out her age. She was well dressed and good looking, a little too cocky and apparently very proud of her beauty.


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