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Hedgethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 2267 words)

Author: Vivid
Added: Mar 01 2011Views / Reads: 856 / 665 [78%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
He thought he was the voyeur. He had a lot to learn.

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Saturday arrived much too quickly and I was on my laden bicycle going to confront the challenge of the hedge. I was young and naïve but I could set a string line and cut a hedge, it was useful pocket money while I was at university.

The lady who employed me watched for a time, she sat on the steps of the verandah, resting her chin on her knees with her arms around her drawn up legs. I watched her too, but being shy I was careful not to be obvious.

As the subject of so much attention my work rate was high and I made good progress. The sweat was flowing and my shirt was sodden. Once, when I looked up she was gone. I kept working. Soon there was the bang of a screen door and she was coming out. I didn't dare look. Then I heard my name, and looked up to see the glass she held out to me.

"Lemonade?" she asked.

I put down my pruning saw and said thank you as I took the drink. I drank while she waited. Her hair was wet and she had a white terry toweling dressing gown on. I thought the gown was a little too small for her. I could see a lot of cleavage. I did my best not to look as I handed the glass back and thanked her. She looked at me and said, ...

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