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A close shavethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 413 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Gedz2
Added: Mar 29 2011Views / Reads: 1546 / 7 [0%]Part vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
In which she gets some kind of revenge

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When i got home that night i was still in a constantly aroused state, i even had to pull over and relieve myself in the drive back.

Ken smirked at me when i walked in, knowing that i had done as he had asked but not suspecting what i had arranged with my good friend the barber.

That night we fucked hard and brutally, a quick fuck for sexual relief though this time i made no promises but instead tricked him into the first part of my masterfull plan to avenge myself on my hubby, asking him to shave his pubes profesionally as i had

The next day I tormented him all day, refusing to fuck however until he shaved, now he decided to go bare on his chin,opting to go to a waxing saloon which was against my plans. Fortunately, my friend had recently taken a waxing course and i encouraged him to do it the following day. Now i called the barber and said that he plan was off, for now...

*the next day*

At six o'clock it was time for the plan to be put into action. I took my hiding place but before this i insisted that my boyfriend was blindfolded to prevent any arousal from happening. My friend began the process, dripping the hot wax all over Kens body, then silently i crept out of my hiding place and turned on the video camera hitting record. ...

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