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Author: slick00
Added: May 30 2011Views / Reads: 948 / 526 [55%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
How I met my future wife.

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Different Person

By Slick09

I remember meeting my wife (Rose), she was so sweet so innocent. Really a different person then most of the girls I would meet at a club. We were introduced by my friend Peter, a friend of a friend they meet months before. Peter invited me to join his other friends just so I could see her. Of course he tried to date her but she was not interested in him, so he thought of me.

He had informed me that she had just gone thru a change in her life, several a months ago right before they met. Rose had just given up drinking, still liked to dance and hang out but no more drinking. I disliked beer so only drank mixed drinks and only a few at a time seemed like we were a good match. Peter did tell me that he heard Rose got wild when she drank, that is the reason she quit. So this was all the information I had when I walked into the club that evening. I was so surprised when I saw the beauty in her eyes. There was this deepness to them, when she looked at me and I was taken in.

We talked for hours; it was as if we were the only two in the place the way her eyes looked at me. They say that people do not have black eyes, yet hers seemed so dark so sincere. Several times I went to the bar to get us soft drinks refills. As I waited Rose walked off to the ...

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