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The Stepdaughterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 817 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Stevie Wonder-ful Picture in profile
Added: Jun 23 2011Views / Reads: 3805 / 6 [0%]Part vote: 9.33 (12 votes)
A pregnant woman and her estranged teenaged stepdaughter discover they have more in common than previously thought.

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I awoke with a start, both arms wrapped protectively around my bloated belly. My tense muscles relaxed slightly as I heard Sam's muffled laughter float throughout the house, but I sighed inwardly at the sight of Brad's unused pillow. Things were strained between myself and my nineteen-year-old stepdaughter at the best of times, but my unplanned pregnancy had combined with her father's increasingly frequent business trips away, to push our relationship to breaking point.

Sandwiching my head between two pillows allowed me to drown out Sam's merriment, but I realised after a few minutes of effort that I could not ignore the pressure building up in my bladder, one of the many joys of pregnancy.

Mentally cursing the symptoms that six months of pregnancy were wreaking on my thirty-four year-old body, I wrapped a flimsy housecoat around my nakedness and padded quietly out of my bedroom to answer nature's demands.

I crept silently passed Sam's bedroom, noting the light that bleed out from under her closed door and the soft music that emanated from within. I made a detour after my toilet stop; heading towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of chilled water and was still half asleep and very much pre-occupied as I pushed through the closed door into the dining room.


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