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The Saturday Episode Triggers a Divided Outlookthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5368 words) [7/16] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Oct 08 2011Views / Reads: 990 / 594 [60%]Part vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
Art agonizes over his relationships with Ginny and Sally. He can't find the solution he seeks. Alana confronts him about his dallying with one of her Lovers. She visits in his college office and suggest s a way out. He and Markey attempt to view the DVD o

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<The Saturday Episode Triggers a Divided Outlook>

Markey ran back and forth from the utility room, where she was washing and drying the weekly batches of dirty clothes, to the bedroom where she was hanging clothes and changing the bed. Each time she passed through, she looked at me and snidely remarked, "Staying naked all day today? If that's so, you'll have dinner alone here in your recliner." There were no smiles accompanying her remarks. If she knew what was gnawing on me, keeping me in the chair, she would have a number of more terse remarks for me to swallow. The name on Alana's list was eating through me, slowly, ugly, and painfully. After four hours, I still had no clue of how I could have Alana disclose who 'her' Ginny is and not be questioned over why I needed to know. With no answer on the horizon, I decide to shower, put on shorts and a tee for the rest of the day that still has seven hours left before the late news. Maybe a clean body, a freshen outlook, and an emptied upstairs vacuum would inspire the solution. Then again, I am the eternal optimist with pessimist results more often than not. I didn't realize it, but when I moved to get up, I was sitting in a puddle of sweat resting in the seat of the leather cover. Holy Hell, I thought, the worry is drilling holes in me when I sweat and am not even aware of it. I looked around for help, spotted some towels on the edge of the kitchen table. I swiped a small towel from the stack Markey piled there to store later when she worked on dinner. I used the towel to clean my lower back, ass, thighs, and chair, then threw it in the hamper on the way to the bathroom. I was ...

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