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Faith. Double troublethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 9235 words)

Author: LEATBT Picture in profile
Added: Nov 01 2011Views / Reads: 2778 / 2087 [75%]Story vote: 9.40 (10 votes)
Faith's blackmail continues, this time she gets shared!

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Faith awoke early on Saturday morning, her mind already fully occupied with thoughts of the desperate situation that she had suddenly found herself in.

However, she had a clear weekend as her husband, Martin, was away, so at least she had a chance to relax and get things into perspective.

By the time she had showered and made coffee, things seemed a little better.

The devious pervert Ray and his pathetic little dick were just something that she would have to accept if she wanted to keep her life the way it was.

By the time she had dressed and finished breakfast, she felt a whole lot better. She could bite the bullet and let him have his fun! After all, his pathetic little cock made no real demands on her time and very little on her body!

As this positive mood was taking over, she heard her phone bleep indicating an incoming message. She flicked it open, but as she read the words, her mood soon took a definite swing downwards!

'My Dear Cumpot, it occurred to me that we are both alone this weekend! Silly not to make use of the time to further our agreement. You will be ...

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