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The Sister-In-Lawthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 6195 words)

Author: RobOnt
Added: Dec 31 2000Views / Reads: 8454 / 7649 [90%]Story vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
John has everything he could possibly want, but why does he risk it all?

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John Hanley had it made. At 35, he had just become the youngest senior executive in his company’s history. His salary was guaranteed to be in the six figure range, and with bonuses, he could easily take home half a million this year.

Home life was equally as good. His wife of ten years, Linda, was incredibly supportive of his heavy work load. She understood every time he had to work late or cancel a social event because of a meeting. She carried the load when it came to the care of their three children, making sure that everything looked after around the home.

At 5’ 8” and 115 lbs., Linda had managed to stay in great shape after the children were born. It helped having a work out room in the house. John had kept their home gym equipped with the latest fitness tools, and even covered the cost of a personal trainer who came to the house twice a week to keep Linda on schedule.

Yes, John Hanley had it made. And he knew it. After all, he had grown up with very little, raised in a single parent home by his mom after his dad had run off with another woman. John and his two sisters shared a room right up until he had turned fourteen. His mom struggled along, pulling in minimum wage as a waitress as a local greasy spoon, putting all of her money into raising her children. She loved them more than anything in the world, and she sacrificed herself in order to better the kids. ...

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