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The 'Keep scores on the Strikerthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 2349 words)

Author: puddin'
Added: Jan 01 2001Views / Reads: 2591 / 2094 [81%]Story vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
When I first saw her, I knew I needed to feel her small wonderful body pressed against mine, her tender lips entangled with my own full lips in a sweet kiss. It was the beginning of soccer season at a small community college in 'Jersey...

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When I first saw her, I knew I needed to feel her small wonderful body pressed against mine, her tender lips entangled with my own full lips in a sweet kiss. It was the beginning of soccer season at a small community college in 'Jersey, and I was in line for my physical like all the other fall athletes. I was newly transferred, attending community college to get my grades up so I could accept the D-1 softball scholarship that awaited me at State. I played soccer as well cause I am pretty fucking good at that too, and I always seemed to do better in school when I am in season. The first time I noticed her I was scanning the gym for the other soccer girls I had met at camp earlier that summer, I didn't particularly want to go thru the physical alone with no one else to bullshit with. I noticed a group of them from across the room and started to walk over then, I noticed her. She hadn't attended the camp that summer, she'd been on vacation with her family during the month we'd had camp. She was small, 4'8" with long auburn hair almost down to her tight round ass, her legs were wonderfully sculpted, and though she was a small girl her tits were huge, between a C and D cup I estimated. The group noticed me walking across the gym and started to hoot and holler in welcome. Then she turned her head from the conversation and smiled at me. I melted right then and there, her gorgeous brown eyes sparkled at me and her lips were soft looking and full, I could only imagine how wonderful it would be to kiss them. We bantered and bitched about the physicals and how stupid they were, and when we were all finished being bent and stretched and measured and evaluated for our "physical fitness" we all ...

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