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Dark meat for Dinathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2124 words)

Author: Dirk Diggler Picture in profile
Added: Jan 17 2012Views / Reads: 2678 / 2209 [82%]Story vote: 9.50 (16 votes)
Dina answers a craigslist ad for four black men and a van. She spends a lunch hour getting tag teamed by some of the biggest cock she has ever seen.

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It had been a couple of weeks since Dina had noticed the craigslist ad and she was still intrigued by it.

There it was...still posted.

"Four Black men and a van ......we love white women and will fulfill your wildest fantasies".

The ad went on to state that all you had to do was be on the corner of State and Main at noon sharp where you'll be picked up and dropped off safely when the encounter was done.

Dina had even gone as far as to sit at the Starbucks on the corner and watch.

She had watched a woman who looked to be in her late 30"s get picked up and about an hour later she was dropped off at the corner.

Her cheeks a bit flushed and her hair a bit messy but otherwise she looked no worse for the wear.

She even came in to the Starbucks and sat at a table near Dina ....Dina listened as the woman spoke to her husband on her cell.

"Hi Honey....just at Starbucks for lunch and was thinking of ...

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