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The All Americanthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 8850 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Joshua
Added: Jan 18 2012Views / Reads: 5725 / 3330 [58%]Part vote: 9.20 (10 votes)
A former All-American football player is going through changes in his life. His stay at a Bed and Breakfast in Denver provides another change of life experience.

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To my readers: I have never had a homosexual experience. I sat down and in one evening, wrote this work of fiction from the perspective of a man who experiences the touch of another man for the first time. I not only appreciate your ratings for this story, but also am very interested in just how close I came in describing the thoughts of a man who, despite what his brain tells him, allows himself the freedom of simply letting go. I look forward to your comments, positive or negative. Enjoy.


I was going through a mid-life crisis. I was fifty years old, and everything in my life that had any value suddenly seemed to either vanish, or just melt away into nothing. My career as a professional athlete had ended a few years earlier. The bright lights and people screaming my name had ended, and it seemed strange to not have people wanting a piece of me, wanting me to speak at their conferences. They stopped calling me, or asking me to endorse their products. Being out of the limelight after so long had other effects on my life. My wife decided to complete her degree in fine arts which meant she was now away from the house for long hours each day. When she returned home one wintery evening and told me she was leaving me for a young man who was in her history class, I could only hope there were no more surprises. The next day, the bank called. According to the marriage agreement, the wife was entitled to the house and I had until the end of the month to ...

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