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Schoolgirl Crushthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 6873 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Feb 27 2012Views / Reads: 13794 / 9092 [66%]Story vote: 9.79 (19 votes)
“We’re teenagers. We’re at my home. In my bedroom. You have a crush on me. What do you do? I’m intrigued.”

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Violet almost didn't go to her secondary school reunion. The friends that she wanted to keep up with after leaving she already saw regularly, and the others she had no particular wish to spend an afternoon with. Except for one girl, Becky, that she had had a crush on when she was in her teens. Of course Becky wasn't a girl anymore, she had followed the path laid for her and got married and had two children. Violet knew this from mutual friends, she hadn't actually run into her again since soon after they left school.

But Violet would like to meet her again. She still had a little flutter between her legs when she thought of her, although she realized she was remembering her as a teenager. She wondered if she would flutter in the same way as she used to if they met again. The school reunion would be the perfect place to find out.

Violet wandered around the reunion, meeting old friends, mostly making small talk with people she had little interest in. She didn't see Becky until people were starting to leave. Immediately her body flooded with the warmth of arousal. Whatever her brain might think, her body clearly still found Becky very attractive.

"Oh hi Vi," Becky said as Violet came up to her. "I was just about to leave but let's sit down and chat. I hoped you'd be here."

"You did?" Violet was surprised that Becky had said that. In school they ...

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