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Recurring Fantasythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 943 words)

Author: therdugan Picture in profile
Added: Aug 31 2012Views / Reads: 2266 / 921 [41%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
a recurring fantasy i told my lover about

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i keep having a recurring fantasy about you that i thought i'd share with you.

In my fantasy, one night along about 9:30 - 10:00ish we have text conversation that goes something like this...

You - hey there. how's it going? what are you up to?

me - just showered and ate. watching tv and kickin back. what r up to?

you - i'm having a glass of wine and thinkin about you...

me - cheers! what r you drinkin?

you - mmmm, a very yummy chardonnay. Cheers! U drinkin?

me - nah nothin yet. what are thinkin about?

you - mmmm i just wrapped up in my silk robe and slipped off my thong...

me - mmm really?

you - yea i love how silk feels on my skin...i'm thinkin about the feel ...

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