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Exercise Harem: Whom shall it be in week 2?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2253 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: farquasi
Added: Oct 21 2012Views / Reads: 1280 / 846 [66%]Part vote: 9.11 (9 votes)
Another woman in the exercise harem shows up to start week 2. Who shall it be?

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The Exercise Harem

A series of erotic stories about sex with a group of women who are friends. The women are of all ages, varying in age from early 20s to early 60s. There are five women and me. I'm 55 and recently retired. I have to exercise for health reasons and have gotten to be friends with them at the gym.

Chapter 3: Monday of the Second Week..... Which Friend will it be?

On Monday, I got up plenty early and had a big breakfast. I knew I would need it. One of the exercise harem was going to come to the office and fuck me. I didn't know which one. I had already had Jeanne and she was wonderful. Very creative and a nice body. It could be Jen, who is Jeanne's daughter. She is only 22 and would be fun. Or it could be Shawn, the big, late '20s woman. She had a tattoo that I just had to see. I would imagine that I would be a pawn in her hands. She was pushy and an aggressive woman. That could be fun! Then there is Lynn, who is my age. She was recently divorced and always horny. We were close because of the age similarity. I was betting on her! Finally, there was Sharon, who is 60 or so. I doubted she would ever show up, as she was recently widowed. All are very nice and wonderful to talk to.

It isn't like I never got to see them between Mondays. Now that Monday ...

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