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Tuck Takes Time to Test the Tantrumthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5077 words) [2/6] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Nov 10 2012Views / Reads: 1206 / 912 [76%]Part vote: 9.67 (6 votes)
After their initial meeting, Tuck and Carolyn build on the relationship but hit a snag when Lysette, Carolyn's younger sister makes her appearance. When Carolyn is called for a police emergency, Lysette decides to have her way with a sleeping Tuck. Caroly

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Tuck Takes Time to Test the Tantrum

Carolyn woke late on Saturday morning, obviously feeling the exertion of our night of non-stop experimental first-date sex. Honestly, I was worn down myself after her attack on me coupled with the catch-up running I had been doing each day. She carefully made reference to her late arising; making certain it wouldn't be considered an apology. I waved it off and told her that I would have still been down except for the years of six A. M. work schedules in and out of town. I scrounged up a passable breakfast of poached eggs, bacon, sliced tomatoes and cinnamon sugar toast and promised a much better lunch at my athletic club downtown. She nodded approval, but put me on notice that she would have to make a trip home for different clothing than that she was left with here. That gave me an opening so I suggested that in addition to the luncheon clothing, she pack a small bag with other items and stay over Saturday night also. She grinned as she added more butter her sugary toast and responded, "I thought you'd never ask, Tuck. I have few opportunities to actually enjoy a full weekend and when I had the weekend free, I was always alone which depressed me more than a work weekend did. At least at work, there was someone to gab with every minute." I put my hand over hers at the butter dish and said, "Carolyn, I have to leave town Sunday evening and will be gone until late next Friday night. I have analytical stock reports to deliver to Wall Street Monday afternoon. How's your coming weekend look?"


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