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Just a few drinks with Tarathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2516 words)

Author: EdFreckman Picture in profile
Added: Dec 17 2012Views / Reads: 3911 / 3490 [89%]Story vote: 9.46 (24 votes)
Married man on a business trip meets up with an old college friend for some drinks and ends up playing a game that gets out of hand.

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"Hey!" she said answering my call. There was something in her voice that sounded genuinely happy to hear from me.


"Yeah, hey Jake!"

"It's been so long," I laughed.

"I know--5 years!" she said.

"I just got into town about an hour ago," I told her.

"Are you at the hotel you mentioned? Because I know where that is."

"You do? Great! Uh, hey--you up for having a drink or something? Bring your fiance along, I'd love to meet him."

She said she'd meet me at the hotel because she knew exactly where it was. I was in Milwaukee on business. I lived in Seattle. I had just turned 31 and celebrated my third wedding anniversary. My wife and I had been fighting a lot because our careers kept us on opposite sides of the country. It seemed that when she was home, I was being sent on a business trip and vice versa. It was the first time I had been sent to Milwaukee and thanks to the magic of Facebook I knew that my old ...

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