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Pop Upsthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 10609 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Rich
Added: Dec 18 2012Views / Reads: 9456 / 5361 [57%]Part vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
Two couples meet while camping in state park campgrounds and become friends. That friendship becomes much closer when they share the magic of the Florida Keys.

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Pop Ups

Gary is the first man I've ever thought was handsome. No, that was just my politically correct way of saying, pretty. I guess I will just settle with good-looking.

Gary is two years younger than me at 62. He's probably a few inches shorter than my 6'2" and certainly weighs much less than me. I'd guess that Gary probably doesn't weigh 160. I say that because that's what I weighed when I graduated from high school and had a build similar to his.

What first caught my attention were Gary's eyes. He has dark eyes with dark eyebrows and lashes and, if I didn't know better, I'd swear he had on eye make-up. He'd just finished shaving when I first saw him so his face was as smooth as any young women's. And, his face was as pretty as any young woman's too! The reason I saw him right after he shaved was because we were in the facilities at a state park campground in Florida when we met, that first time, almost a year ago.

I'm a retired mail carrier and my wife, Jan, is a retired educator. We never had children and have done a lot of traveling in RV's while we were working. When we retired we went without an RV for a year but decided we missed camping so we got a little pop up, similar to the first RV we owned, and have been checking out all of the wonderful ...

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