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What I did on my holidays (2)this story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 3252 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: victor56
Added: Jan 07 2013Views / Reads: 1022 / 601 [59%]Part vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
A lovers reunion leads to an unexpected discovery.

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What I did on my holidays (2)

(Author's note: When I started writing on this chapter, I intended it to be the final part of a two chapter story. But while I was working on it, it sort of got away with me. So, by changing the settings a bit, it has turned out to be the second part of a multi-chapter story. Might be three, might be more. That all depends on what my dirty mind still comes up with. Enjoy, and feedback still more than welcome.)


When I awoke the next morning, I felt both completely satisfied and a little awkward, thinking "Should we have done this, again?" With some caution I disentangled myself from Laizah, who was sleeping with a smile on her beautiful black face. When I kissed her cheek fondly, she rolled over on her other side, and sighing contently she slept on with her back to me.

Putting on my bathrobe I walked out on to the porch, suspecting it was still very early. Checking my phone I found out it was indeed only 7:30 AM. Not a lot of people seemed to be up yet; all was still very quiet. I could only hear birdsong, not much more. After a couple of minutes I noticed something unusual: I didn't hear any children playing or crying. In my experience, at this time of day those are the most noticeable sounds in places like these. Come to think of it, I had in ...

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