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My First Bisexual Experiencethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 2455 words)

Author: Miss_Tazha
Added: Jan 12 2001Views / Reads: 11528 / 8544 [74%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
m,f,m,f; first bi experience for ff; first bi experience for mm; threesomes; oral; anal; mmf; ffm

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My Bisexual Experiences

One of my first bisexual experiences involved a quad, which consists of two couples having sex with each other. I was on a double date and both couples were really plastered from the two days of partying after graduation. For anonymity my date's name was Julie, and the other couple were Tom and Harriet. We were parked on an old dirt road in the middle of the night near a very shallow creek.

Julie and I were in the back seat making love while Tom and Harriet were in the front seat doing the same. Being in the middle of the summer it was getting VERY warm in the car. It was so warm that fog was clouding the windows and everyone was sweating profusely. I suggested to Julie that we go out into the woods and continue our love-making, and Tom and Harriet decided to follow. The rub was that there was only one blanket. We were all too hot and horny to argue over who got the blanket, so we decided to share it. Julie and Harriet were a bit embarrassed to do this at first but Tom and I both seduced the horny gals right down on the waiting blanket.

Making love to a woman in the cool night air with a pair of bodies next to us doing the same was very exciting to me. In order to enjoy the experience to the fullest I arranged Julie in one of my favorite love making positions, where she is on top. I did this by pulling my cock out of her and kissing her mouth passionately, rolling her on top, ...

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