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Author: mcerotic
Added: Feb 09 2013Views / Reads: 4173 / 2547 [61%]Part vote: 9.29 (14 votes)
Helen is in an all-girls' orphanage in Victorian London. She doesn't know it yet, but her life is about to be uprooted. But for now she cherishes the distant memories of her early experiences with boys.

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This is a major re-write of one of the first stories that I published here back in 2002. Some of the chapters are completely new, some extensively redone. There are about a dozen chapters in all as the story unfolds.

It was the middle of summer in Victorian London. Helen lay in her bed in the dormitory in the Charing Cross orphanage. She was so happy that she had been selected to leave the old Tower orphanage and brought here. Obviously Charing Cross orphanage was much richer than the previous one and occasionally she wondered where the money came from. Although Victorians were very charitable there was so much poverty that usually money was spread very thin.

The only problem with this orphanage was that unlike the previous one it was girls only. She missed the boys. She had been getting very interested in exploring their bodies and having them explore hers when her life was uprooted and she was brought to this new place. In fact, since the orphanage was isolated from the outside world she had not even spoken to a male in the few years that had passed since then. Or, in fact, seen one except in the distance through a barred window.

At eighteen years old she would soon graduate. She wished she had been born a boy so there was at least a chance that she might be able to leave the orphanage and go on to university. As a girl in that era, it was almost impossible. The best she could hope for was that she would ...

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