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The Day I Did A Dalekthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 1897 words)

Author: Chrissie Bentley Picture in profile
Added: Mar 24 2013Views / Reads: 3667 / 1663 [45%]Story vote: 9.70 (10 votes)
A Doctor Who fan girl makes her wildest fantasy cum true

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It would, I told him, be the best birthday present I have ever received, and Michael, bless him, didn't even blink. Just told me to find him the blueprints and he'd see what he could do.

Which, to cut a very long story short, is how I woke up on the morning of my not-telling-you-th birthday to find a life-sized Dalek at the end of my bed, and painted in my favorite colors as well.

Do you watch Doctor Who? BBC America on this side of the ocean, a Time Lord and his time machine rushing back and forth across the universe, righting wrongs, fighting fiends and always (well, usually) with a hottie in the box alongside him. Sometimes I love him, sometimes I just want to slap him. But I've been watching the show since PBS used to show it, back when I was at a mid-seventies high school, and I've got shelves filled with books, DVDs and toys, all testifying to a devotion that has outlived any other TV show on earth.

What I didn't have was a Dalek. A life-sized replica of the pepper-pot shaped alien nasties who were the Doctor's first foe back in 1963 and, fifty years later, are still the most ruthless, calculating, merciless, evil and inhuman creature in the universe. And that's any universe, including all those milksop monsters that people every other science fiction show.

Oh, and did I mention... Daleks are hot. ...

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